Chris - Living with narcolepsy Taking WAKIX since 2021

Track Your Level of Daytime Sleepiness Over Time

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is a 0- to 24-point scale for adults based on an 8-item questionnaire that asks you to rate how likely you are to doze or fall asleep in everyday situations.

Complete this scale when you first begin treatment with WAKIX and then periodically during your first several months on treatment to track any changes in your score over time. You can also ask a family member or close friend to help you complete the scale. They may recognize changes in your daytime sleepiness that you haven't noticed.

Talk to your healthcare provider about any changes in your daytime sleepiness to help them understand how you are doing on WAKIX.

Track Your Level of Daytime Sleepiness Over Time Thumbnail